Reformed Forum

We welcome Brandon Crowe back to the program to speak about the gospel of Matthew. Dr. Crowe is assistant professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is the author of the article, "Fulfillment in Matthew as Eschatological Reversal" in Westminster Theological Journal 75 (2013), pp. 111–127. Matthew's use of the Old Testament has perplexed interpreters for years. It is difficult to ascertain precisely how Jesus "fulfills" the prophets in several of Matthew's references. Dr. Crowe argues that Jesus not only fulfills the Old Testament as the new Israel and consummate Davidic king, but according to Matthew's formulae, he does so by reversing Israel's pattern of covenant infidelity.

Other Episodes with Brandon Crowe

Direct download: ctc496.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 2:43pm CST

In the early chapters of Acts, at the beginning of the New Covenant Church there was a joyous time where everyone shared all that they had will anyone else who was in need.  Just a few months later we have seen jealousy, lying, and deceit with Ananias and Sapphire. We have seen persecution escalating from the Jewish leadership and now we see factions among the people.  It doesn’t take long for our sin to get in the way of God’s goodness.  Was the solution to the problem with the widows the creation of a new office or was this a onetime occurrence?  Are we given a pattern to follow or can culture dictate how the structure of a church is formulated.

Direct download: tsp078.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 4:52pm CST

Today, we speak with Andrew Abernethy about his book, The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom: A Thematic-Theological Approach from IVP Academic's New Studies in Biblical Theology series. Abernethy contends that thematic points of reference can help one to encounter Isaiah and its rich theological message. Dr. Abernethy is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College. He is the author of Eating in Isaiah: Approaching Food and Drink in Isaiah's Structure and Message and coeditor of Isaiah and Imperial Context: The Book of Isaiah in Times of Empire.

Rob McKenzie hosts the interview with Dr. Abernethy. And so in the episode, we also took the opportunity to speak about the latest addition to our podcast family, Theology Simply Profound, which he produces with Bob Tarullo. Rob and Camden speak about the program and how it fits within our lineup, helping us to bring Reformed theology to more people. Rob is sales representative for trade, academic, and special markets at IVP and a distant student at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida.

Direct download: ctc495.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 4:19pm CST

Reformed Forum is pleased to welcome Theology Simply Profound. Rob McKenzie and Bob Tarullo address issues of Reformed theology in an accessible manner. If Christ the Center is an advanced course, this is your prolegomena. Think of it as Reformed meat and

Direct download: rfs036.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 2:21pm CST

What do we do when the government tells us that we must turn in people who are of a certain ethnic group so that they might be killed? Do we adhere to scripture that tells us to be obedient to the governing authorities or do we adhere to scripture that tells us that we should not murder? Are we sinning regardless or can we choose. In the 1940's the Ten Boom family along with others help hide the Jews who were being hunted by the Nazi army for extinction. They lied, they stole and the disobeyed direct orders from their occupied government. This wasn't just in Holland, but many German Christians also hid Jews to protect them. Were they right or was this a lack of faith?

Direct download: tsp077.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 1:58pm CST

Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey revisit Paul Woolley's article, "Discontent!" as it pertains to the ministry of the church. While Woolley wrote in 1944, his lessons are just as applicable today.

Direct download: ctc494.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 3:44pm CST

Darryl G. Hart speaks about J. Gresham Machen and his use of media throughout the modernist-fundamentalist controversy.

Direct download: ctc493.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 2:47pm CST

In this episode of Vos Group, we turn to pages 155–157 of Geerhardus Vos's Biblical Theology to consider the sacrificial system of the law. Vos describes two main ends of sacrifices—expiation and consecration—and how they relate to one another.

Direct download: ctc492.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 11:22am CST