Reformed Forum

Rev. Chiarot is the pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Rock Tavern, New York. He joins us today to speak about "T. F. Torrance and Apostolic Succession," an article he wrote for Participatio. He has also written, The Unassumed Is the Unhealed: The Humanity of Christ in the Christology of T. F. Torrance (Pickwick, 2013).


Direct download: ctc483.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 9:33am CST

K. Scott Oliphint speaks about the incomprehensible mysteries of our God. As creatures, we will never and can never comprehend fully God's mysteries. Indeed, this must even be an epistemological and methodological starting point. Standing upon this biblically-based notion of mystery, Dr. Oliphint drives us to doxology—to worship our glorious God.

Direct download: ctc482.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 11:12am CST

We welcome Dr. Brandon Crowe to speak about his book, The Last Adam: A Theology of the Obedient Life of Jesus in the Gospels, in which he sets forth the soteriological significance of the life of Jesus in the Gospels. He offers an exegetical case for understanding the Adam-Christ parallel in the Gospels themselves, and thereby allows us to see the great glory of person and work of Christ as he is revealed in all of Scripture.

Other episodes with Brandon Crowe

Direct download: ctc481.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:46pm CST

Vos Group continues our study looking at the majesty and holiness of God and its relationship to the place of worship. Read along in Biblical Theology on pp. 150–154.

Direct download: ctc480.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 3:12pm CST

Today we speak about John Murray's "The Attestation of Scripture," a chapter in The Infallible Word. Murray writes,

The objective witness is that Scripture is authoritative by reason of the character it possesses as the infallible Word of God and this divine quality belongs to Scripture because it is the product of God’s creative breath through the mode of plenary inspiration by the Holy Spirit.

Direct download: ctc479.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 3:28pm CST