Reformed Forum

John Frame speaks about his important new book, A History of Western Philosophy and Theology.

Direct download: ctc417.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 9:36am CST

Nathaniel Gray Sutanto speaks to us about his paper "Two Theological Accounts of Logic: Theistic Conceptual Realism and a Reformed Archetype-Ectype Model," published in the International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.

Direct download: ctc416.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 9:34am CST

In this episode we discuss the covenant that God establishes between Noah, his sons, and with every living creature on the earth. This covenant begins being contemplated back in 8:20 at the conclusion of the reaffirmation of the covenant of grace and continues into chapter 9 with an unveiling of its distinctive sign, the rainbow.

Direct download: pc030.mp3
Category:Proclaiming Christ -- posted at: 9:19am CST

John Bolt speaks with us about Bavinck on the Christian Life, his latest book from Crossway.

Direct download: ctc415.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 11:00am CST


10. A fourth Objection. Answer. Fifth Objection. Answer. Answer confirmed by many passages of Scripture, and supported by a passage from Augustine.

11. Perseverance not of ourselves, but of God. Objection. Two errors in the objection. Refutation of both.

12. An objection founded on the distinction of co-operating grace. Answer. Answer confirmed by the testimony of Augustine and Bernard.

13. Last part of the chapter, in which it is proved by many passages of Augustine, that he held the doctrine here taught.

14. An objection, representing Augustine at variance with himself and other Theologians, removed. A summary of Augustine’s doctrine on free will.

Direct download: rc042.mp3
Category:Reformed Classics -- posted at: 11:00am CST

Lane Tipton teaches from the book of Hebrews during the adult Sunday school class as part of the 2015 Reformed Forum Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois.

Direct download: rf15_10.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 11:27am CST

Lane Tipton leads our discussion of the content of the Mosaic revelation treated in pages 109-112 of Geerhardus Vos's Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments.

Direct download: ctc414.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 11:23am CST

We are pleased to announce the paper selections and program for the Covenantal Apologetics Colloquium, which will be held online on Saturday, December 5th, at 7pm (Eastern Standard Time). We’ll be streaming the event live through Google Hangouts On Air.

Direct download: rfs034.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 11:22am CST