Reformed Forum

Today, we speak with Andrew Abernethy about his book, The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom: A Thematic-Theological Approach from IVP Academic's New Studies in Biblical Theology series. Abernethy contends that thematic points of reference can help one to encounter Isaiah and its rich theological message. Dr. Abernethy is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College. He is the author of Eating in Isaiah: Approaching Food and Drink in Isaiah's Structure and Message and coeditor of Isaiah and Imperial Context: The Book of Isaiah in Times of Empire.

Rob McKenzie hosts the interview with Dr. Abernethy. And so in the episode, we also took the opportunity to speak about the latest addition to our podcast family, Theology Simply Profound, which he produces with Bob Tarullo. Rob and Camden speak about the program and how it fits within our lineup, helping us to bring Reformed theology to more people. Rob is sales representative for trade, academic, and special markets at IVP and a distant student at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida.

Direct download: ctc495.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 4:19pm CDT