Wed, 31 January 2018
We continue our #VosGroup series in pages 173–174 of Vos' book Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to consider uncleanness and purification, a deep structure of Scripture, what Vos says, "forms a fundamental conception, which . . . has entered into the permanent fabric of biblical religion." |
Tue, 30 January 2018
This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss preaching in the context of Paul's ministry of the word when Eutychus fell asleep at the window, fell to ground dead, and was raised up to life again (Acts 20:7-12). Why is it that Paul would speak so long to these people? What is preaching? What is its purpose? We discuss these questions as well as many related and unrelated things, too! |
Tue, 30 January 2018
Camden Bucey and Ryan Noha speak about a biography of Martin Bucer and several new books from P&R Publishing. |
Wed, 24 January 2018
Ryan Noha speaks about several rare books to be added to the Reformed Forum online store. |
Wed, 24 January 2018
Dr. Marcus Mininger, Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, speaks about the theme of revelation in the book of Romans. In his book, Uncovering the Theme of Revelation in Romans 1:16–3:26: Discovering a New Approach to Paul's Argument (Mohr Siebeck), Dr. Mininger argues for approaching Romans 1–3 through a new interpretive paradigm that features revelation rather than reading Paul's words primarily through a soteriological or sociological framework. This is part three of our discussion. |
Fri, 19 January 2018
This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob take up the subject of exorcisms, yeah really! From Acts 19:11-20, we discuss everything from Jesus and Paul freeing people from demons to Star Wars and the new spirituality of this present evil (pagan) age that we live within. So, may a Christian be demon possessed? Should pastor be trained to perform exorcisms? Oh, and Rob really geeks out on you're in for a treat! |
Wed, 17 January 2018
Dr. Marcus Mininger, Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, speaks about the theme of revelation in the book of Romans. In his book, Uncovering the Theme of Revelation in Romans 1:16–3:26: Discovering a New Approach to Paul's Argument (Mohr Siebeck), Dr. Mininger argues for approaching Romans 1–3 through a new interpretive paradigm that features revelation rather than reading Paul's words primarily through a soteriological or sociological framework. This is part two of our discussion. |
Thu, 11 January 2018
Dr. Marcus Mininger, Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, speaks about the theme of revelation in the book of Romans. In his book, Uncovering the Theme of Revelation in Romans 1:16–3:26: Discovering a New A |
Tue, 9 January 2018
On this week's episode of Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss the topic of discipleship as it arises out of Acts 18. Should the church disciple? If so, how and in what way? What does God say about discipleship? |
Thu, 4 January 2018
We continue our #VosGroup series starting on page 170–172 of Vos' book Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to consider the variety of Old Testament offerings and sacrifices. Vos addresses the different types of offerings and how they relate to one another and to the eschatological plan of salvation in Jesus Christ. |