Reformed Forum

Since 2008, we have been taking time around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. We have several great clips lined up for you today.

The Top Episodes of 2023 (by YouTube views)

  1. Dan Ragusa — Preterism and 2 Peter 3 (YouTube)
  2. Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock — A Theological Introduction to Neo-Calvinism (YouTube)
  3. Greg Beale — The New Testament Use of the Old Testament (YouTube)
  4. Carlton Wynne — Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion (YouTube)
  5. Camden Bucey — The Importance of Cornelius Van Til for Today (YouTube)
  6. Jim Cassidy — Introducing and Interpreting Karl Barth (YouTube)
  7. Danny Olinger — Christianity and Liberalism: Introduction (YouTube)
  8. Lane Tipton — Exitus and Reditus in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas (YouTube)
  9. Jonathan Master — Reformed Theology (YouTube)
  10. Michael Beck — Covenant Theology and Cultural Engagement in the Thought of Meredith G. Kline(YouTube)
Direct download: ctc835.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

For our Eighth Annual Christmas Special, Rob and Bob are here to bring you Christmas cheer with our annual Christmas silliness. This year we laugh about Christmas delicacies and the weird things we do at this season of the year ". . . because it's Christm

Direct download: tsp303.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 8:41am CST

Join us in this episode of Christ the Center, where host Camden Bucey engages in a free-flowing yet thoughtful discussion with Dr. Owen Anderson, philosopher and professor of religious studies at Arizona State University and pastor of Historic Christian Church in Phoenix. The conversation centers around the nuanced relationship between philosophy, religion, and the concept of free speech within academia and broader American culture.

The episode explores the current state of freedom of speech in higher education, highlighting its importance and the obstacles it faces today. Dr. Anderson shares his views on the roles of natural and revealed religion in American philosophical and legal traditions, and how these ideas have influenced the country’s development. Listeners will also appreciate the exploration of Common Sense Realism and its impact on the ideological framework of the American Founding Fathers. This episode provides a reflective look into the challenges of articulating and understanding truth in an increasingly complex age.

Listen in for a conversation that offers insightful perspectives on the intersections of philosophy, religion, and free speech in the modern era.


Direct download: ctc834.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

In this episode, we're excited to unveil the inaugural lesson of our new series, exploring the profound depths of the Pentateuch—the first five books of the Bible. Under the able guidance of Dr. Mark Winder, we'll embark on an enlightening journey through six comprehensive, yet accessible, biblical-theological lessons, offering fresh insights into this foundational portion of Scripture.

As we introduce this captivating course, join Ryan Noha and Camden Bucey for a reflective update on our year-end projects. We also extend a heartfelt invitation to support our mission through the 'Planting for the Future' campaign. Your generous contributions are pivotal in helping Reformed Forum continue to offer an array of free, high-quality Reformed theological resources to a global audience. Discover more and contribute to our cause at Reformed Forum's donation page (

Direct download: ctc833.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We turn to chapter XX, “Conversion: Repentance & Faith.” This week we continue our discussion how Berkhof addre

Direct download: tsp302.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 2:55pm CST

In this installment of Vos Group, Lane Tipton and Camden Bucey discuss pp. 330–333 of Geerhardus Vos’ book, Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments. In this section, Vos focuses on the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, a pivotal event in the Gospels. Vos examines various interpretations and challenges to the historicity and objectivity of this event, discussing theories that view it as mythological or parabolic. He argues for its historical and objective reality, using scriptural references such as Matthew 12:29 to support his view. Vos emphasizes the dual nature of the event as both a temptation by Satan and a probation by God, underscoring its importance in the Messianic mission of Jesus. He contrasts this with the temptation of Adam in Genesis, noting differences in their respective contexts and purposes. Vos also explores the implications of the event on the understanding of Jesus’ sinlessness and His role in atonement. Throughout, he maintains a theological perspective that situates the temptation within the broader narrative of redemption and Christ’s mission.

Direct download: ctc832.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Bob returns to a reading of Geerhardus Vos’s 1903 book, The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church. Chapter 8, “The Essence of the Kingdom continued: The Kingdom as a State of Bl

Direct download: tsp301.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 5:24pm CST

In this episode, Camden Bucey and Jim Cassidy dive into a variety of topics answering questions submitted by listeners and viewers of the program. Topics covered range from theological discussions, such as the role of Jesus’ intercession for the elect and non-elect within the visible church​​, to historical and exegetical considerations, like the understanding of the Old Covenant as the Mosaic administration of the covenant of grace​​.

Direct download: ctc831.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Dr. Michael Beck joins us to speak about his book, Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary: A Dialectic Inquiry Concerning Meredith Kline and the Reformed Two-Kingdom Project (Wipf and Stock), which is a theological exploration of the ideas of Meredith Kline and their impact on the Reformed Two-Kingdom Project.

The book provides a literature review of relevant works on the topic and highlights the broader universe of discourse in which this study exists. In the book and in this conversation, Dr. Beck offers a unique analysis of Kline’s theology and its practical implications for contemporary Christian life and practice.

Michael Beck is a pastor at Gracenet Community Church as well as a lecturer of Old Testament and biblical theology at Grace Theological College (New Zealand). Dr. Beck earned his PhD from the South African Theological Seminary Michael also co-hosts the Two-Age Sojourner podcast.

Direct download: ctc830.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

In this installment of Vos Group, Lane Tipton and Camden Bucey discuss pp. 322–329 of Geerhardus Vos’ book, Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments. In this section, Vos discusses John’s testimony of Jesus after his baptism.

The testimony of John the Baptist as depicted in the Gospel of John emphasizes Jesus’ unique divine nature and eternal preexistence, distinguishing him from all others in redemptive history. This underlines John’s role as the one preparing the way for Jesus, who fulfills Old Testament prophecies as the sacrificial Lamb of God. It also highlights the immutable deity of Christ, who, despite his incarnation, remains unchanged in his divine essence. The narrative showcases Jesus’ baptism as an act of vicarious repentance and affirms his authority to bestow the Spirit, underscoring the theological depth of his identity and mission as witnessed by John the Baptist.

Direct download: ctc829.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

In the latest episode of Christ the Center, we explore the fascinating intersection of science, faith, and philosophy through the life and contributions of Robert Boyle, the seventeenth-century chemist often dubbed the father of modern chemistry.

Our guest, Dr. Edward B. Davis, Professor Emeritus of the History of Science at Messiah University, shares his extensive knowledge on Boyle's experiments, the development of Boyle's Law, and the broader implications of Boyle's work on the relationship between emerging scientific disciplines and religious thought.

We also delve into the historical context of Boyle's era, his influence on the mechanical philosophy, and how his devout Anglican faith shaped his understanding of the natural world. Listen as we explore the complex relationship of how scientific inquiry and religious belief have related throughout history.

Edward B. Davis on ResearchGate

Robert Boyle, the Bible, and Natural Philosophy

Direct download: ctc828.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

What is a Christian to do with the imprecatory Psalms? Are they to be read and sung today, and if so, with what understanding? Jim Cassidy talks about how to situate the Psalms within their redemptive-historical context, instead of reading them in the abstract.

Direct download: pc121.mp3
Category:Proclaiming Christ -- posted at: 12:00am CST

After recording a course on the subject for Reformed Academy, Dr. Carlton Wynne comes to the podcast studio to discuss John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. Topics covered include Calvin's theology, the right ordering of knowledge, general and special revelation, the effects of the fall on human reasoning, natural theology, and comparisons to the thought of Thomas Aquinas and Cornelius Van Til.

Carlton also shares about his experience as a pastor-theologian and his talk on maintaining true religion in a modernist world at the recent Reformation Worship Conference. The conversation touches on the legacy of J. Gresham Machen and the need for the church to guard the good deposit of faith.

Direct download: ctc827.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob continue their discussion of the future of Israel? With geopolitical affairs in the Middle East as they are currently and the end times speculations that arise and questions as to how Christians should think of the nation-state of Israel, we discuss the promises regarding the land of Israel, Israel as a nation, the promises to Abraham and his seed, that is Christ, and Romans 11.

Direct download: tsp300.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 2:03pm CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob continue their discussion of the future of Israel? With geopolitical affairs in the Middle East as they are currently and the end times speculations that arise and questions as to how Christians should think of the nation-state of Israel, we discuss the promises regarding the land of Israel, Israel as a nation, the promises to Abraham and his seed, that is Christ, and Romans 11.

Direct download: tsp300.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 2:03pm CST

Ryan Noha and Camden Bucey offer an update regarding several projects and initiatives at Reformed Forum including the launch of Kevin Chiarot’s course on 1 Peter. We include the first lesson of the course, which is available for free on and on YouTube. In the first lesson, Dr. Chiarot teaches on the elect exiles Peter addresses in 1 Peter 1:1–2.
Direct download: ctc826.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Dr. D. G. Hart lectured at the Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 7, 2023.

The conference theme was “100 Years of Christianity and Liberalism: J. Gresham Machen’s Theological Legacy.” The occasion was the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism. Conference speakers Camden Bucey, Jim Cassidy, Lane Tipton, and D. G. Hart took the opportunity to consider Machen’s unique contributions by exploring several covenantal, eschatological, and historical themes that intersect with his work.

Visit for more information about the event.

This lecture is made available for free through the generous support of Harvest USA. Harvest USA’s purpose is to partner with and equip the Church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin. Please visit for more information.

Direct download: rf23_4_Hart.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss the future of Israel? With geopolitical affairs in the Middle East as they are currently and the end times speculations that arise and questions as to how Christians should think of the nation-sta

Direct download: tsp299.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 3:19pm CST

Dr. Lane Tipton lectured at the Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 7, 2023.

The conference theme was “100 Years of Christianity and Liberalism: J. Gresham Machen’s Theological Legacy.” The occasion was the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism. Conference speakers Camden Bucey, Jim Cassidy, Lane Tipton, and D. G. Hart took the opportunity to consider Machen’s unique contributions by exploring several covenantal, eschatological, and historical themes that intersect with his work.

Visit for more information about the event.

This lecture is made available for free through the generous support of Harvest USA. Harvest USA’s purpose is to partner with and equip the Church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin. Please visit for more information.

Direct download: rf23_3_Tipton.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Dr. Jim Cassidy lectured at the Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 7, 2023.

The conference theme was “100 Years of Christianity and Liberalism: J. Gresham Machen’s Theological Legacy.” The occasion was the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism. Conference speakers Camden Bucey, Jim Cassidy, Lane Tipton, and D. G. Hart took the opportunity to consider Machen’s unique contributions by exploring several covenantal, eschatological, and historical themes that intersect with his work.

Visit for more information about the event.

This lecture is made available for free through the generous support of Harvest USA. Harvest USA’s purpose is to partner with and equip the Church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin. Please visit for more information.

Direct download: rf23_2_Cassidy.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Dr. Camden Bucey lectured at the Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 7, 2023.

The conference theme was “100 Years of Christianity and Liberalism: J. Gresham Machen’s Theological Legacy.” The occasion was the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism. Conference speakers Camden Bucey, Jim Cassidy, Lane Tipton, and D. G. Hart took the opportunity to consider Machen’s unique contributions by exploring several covenantal, eschatological, and historical themes that intersect with his work.

Visit for more information about the event.

This lecture is made available for free through the generous support of Harvest USA. Harvest USA’s purpose is to partner with and equip the Church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin. Please visit for more information.

Direct download: rf23_1_Bucey.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Lane Tipton and Camden Bucey reflect on the recent Reformed Forum Theology Conference on J. Gresham Machen's Christianity and Liberalism before turning to a discussion of their new booklet, Unfolding Redemption: Exploring the History and Order of Salvation.

Direct download: ctc825.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Jeff McDonald introduces several significant points about William Jennings Bryan, including his early life and upbringing in a strong evangelical tradition, his belief that schools and universities posed a problem to religious freedom, and his concern that students could be led away from faith into unbelief if they fell under the influence of mind worshipers. The author also notes Bryan’s political career and his advocacy for economic and religious freedom, as well as his influence on the Democratic party and his ongoing relevance to current political issues.

Jeffrey McDonald is a Presbyterian minister, historian, and author of John Gerstner and the Renewal of Presbyterian and Reformed Evangelicalism in Modern America (Wipf & Stock, 2017).

Richard M. Gamble is Professor of History and holds the Anna Margaret Ross Alexander Chair in History and Politics at Hillsdale College.



Direct download: ctc824.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We turn to chapter XX, "Conversion: Repentance & Faith." This week we discuss how Berkhof addresses the doctrine of conversion.

Direct download: tsp298.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 12:18pm CST

Camden Bucey recently lectured on “The Importance of Van Til for Today” for the OPC’s Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario at Harvest OPC in Wyoming, MI. Jim Cassidy and Camden discuss the main points of the lecture before we turn to a recording of the lecture and its accompanying Q&A session.

Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) has shaped the field of Reformed apologetics, drawing upon the strengths of Old Amsterdam and Old Princeton. But his impact extends beyond apologetics, affecting broader theological discussions and the identity of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. In this lecture, we explore the enduring relevance of Van Til’s work and thought, analyzing his theological contributions against the backdrop of his historical context while tracing their resonance in our own.

Download the handout

Direct download: ctc823.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Bruce Baugus to our program to discuss his book, The Roots of Reformed Moral Theology, published by Reformation Heritage Books. In this comprehensive work, Dr. Baugus delves into the foundational elements that have shaped moral theology within the Reformed tradition. He provides both historical and theological contexts, covering a range of topics including the Old Testament’s influence on Reformed moral thought, the significance of the Ten Commandments, the Reformation’s impact on moral theology, and its evolution in the modern era. Additionally, Dr. Baugus explores the practical applications of Reformed moral theology for contemporary Christian living.

This conversation serves as a continuation of a dialogue that began during our online Symposium on Reformed Moral Theology, held in August 2023. In the symposium’s concluding session, Dr. Baugus and Dr. David VanDrunen each presented their perspectives on the role of law in the Gospels, with a particular focus on the Sermon on the Mount as recorded in the Book of Matthew. The session also featured an interactive discussion between the two scholars and T. David Gordon.

Dr. Bruce P. Baugus is Professor of Systematic Theology & Apologetics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He earned a PhD in Philosophical Theology from Calvin Theological Seminary (2009) and served on the faculty of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, for fourteen years (2008–2022) prior to joining Puritan Reformed. He is also the editor of China’s Reforming Churches (RHB, 2014) and has contributed numerous chapters, articles, and papers.

Dr. David VanDrunen is Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics at Westminster Seminary California.

Direct download: ctc822.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 18. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell?
A. The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell consists in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called original sin; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.

Direct download: ra_wsc_018.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

In this episode, we welcome back Michael Glodo, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Rev. Glodo has written The Lord Bless You and Keep You (Crossway), a new book on the Aaronic blessing of Numbers 6:24–26. We discuss several biblical-theological and practical implications for contemporary faith and practice including what it means to behold the face of God. We also explore how the person and work of Jesus secures the blessing on our behalf.

Direct download: ctc821.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We turn to chapter XIX, Calling and Regeneration. This week we discuss the doctrine of regeneration.

Direct download: tsp297.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 4:31pm CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 17. Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?
A. The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery.

Direct download: ra_wsc_017.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Today, we turn to pages 318–322 of Vos’s Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to explore the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Our goal is to offer a nuanced understanding by identifying both the similarities and differences between John’s baptism of Jesus and the baptisms John performed upon the people.

Vos aims to steer clear of two misconceptions: the first being that Jesus’s baptism and the people’s baptisms were entirely distinct events, and the second that they were essentially the same.

The baptism of Jesus holds dual significance. Firstly, it serves as a public and objective revelation of the Holy Spirit’s glory, manifested as the Spirit descended from heaven onto Jesus.

Secondly, it has a sacramental meaning for Jesus himself, as he received something from the Spirit that furthered his earthly mission, which was a journey of suffering leading to glory.

In addition, we’ll examine the connection between Jesus’s baptism and his role as the Messiah, offering insights into both pneumatology—the study of the Holy Spirit—and eschatology—the study of end times.

Direct download: ctc820.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We turn to chapter XIX, Calling and Regeneration. This week we discuss the doctrine of calling, general and effectual.

Direct download: tsp296.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 5:59pm CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 16. Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression?
A. The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity; all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him, in his first transgression.

Direct download: ra_wsc_016.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

We welcome John Muether and Danny Olinger to discuss the sixth and final chapter of Machen's classic book, Christianity and Liberalism. In this chapter, J. Gresham Machen explores the differences between the liberal and Christian views of salvation. He argues that liberalism finds salvation in man, while Christianity finds it in an act of God. Machen critiques the moral influence theory of the atonement, which denies the substitutionary character of Christ's death and the wrath of God. In contrast, he emphasizes the need for a propitiation for sin and the centrality of the cross of Christ in the Christian view of salvation.

Machen concludes that the doctrine of salvation is essential to the Christian faith and that liberalism and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible on this question. The chapter provides a clear and detailed analysis of the theological and biblical foundations of the Christian view of salvation, and highlights the importance of this doctrine for the Christian life.

Direct download: ctc819.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 15. What was the sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created?
A. The sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created was their eating the forbidden fruit.

Direct download: ra_wsc_015.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Dr. Lane Tipton discusses a recent course he taught addressing the Trinitarian theology of Thomas Aquinas and the exitus-reditus scheme evident in all his theology. The lectures aim to provide an in-depth understanding of Thomas Aquinas's Trinitarian theology, emphasizing that his entire body of work is governed by the concept of exitus (departure) and reditus (return) in the context of divine and human processions.

Primary texts such as the Summa Theologiae and the Summa Contra Gentiles, as well as notable scholars like Gilles Emery and Dominic Legge, will be explored to corroborate the course's central thesis. The series will delve into the trinitarian structure of Aquinas’s theology, focusing on the eternal and temporal processions of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and their implications on topics like Christology and sacramentology. This Trinitarian framework forms the backbone of Aquinas’s theological system, affecting every doctrinal topic it touches, from the nature of God to the ultimate end of human beings. Therefore, understanding Aquinas's Trinitarian framework is key to grasping his theological system as a whole. The course aims not only to provide a nuanced understanding of Aquinas's theology but also to offer a Reformed critique and alternative.

The exitus-reditus structure serves as the central framework for understanding the theology of Thomas Aquinas. In this structure, "exitus" refers to the process of departure or emanation, while "reditus" signifies return. This dyad is a governing principle not only in Aquinas's understanding of the Trinity but also in his complete theological system. In terms of the Trinity, the Son and the Holy Spirit emanate from the Father in "exitus," and then return to the Father in "reditus."

This trinitarian procession is considered the foundational cause for the existence and return of all creatures. The divine persons' internal processions serve as the model and cause for the external processions of rational creatures. In relation to human beings, "exitus" refers to their creation and departure from God. God is seen as the efficient cause from whom all things emanate. "Reditus," on the other hand, signifies the creatures' return to God, drawn towards their ultimate end—participation in divine beatitude or happiness.

This return can be understood at two levels: natural and supernatural. On the natural level, creatures return to God according to their inherent abilities. On the supernatural level, they are elevated through grace to participate in the divine essence itself, surpassing their natural capacities. The exitus-reditus structure thus provides a coherent, systematic framework that integrates every aspect of Aquinas's theology, from the doctrine of God to the doctrines of creation, grace, and eschatology.

Direct download: ctc818.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

As Jacob continues toward Canaan in obedience to God’s call, he comes up against another significant obstacle: Esau is coming to meet him Genesis 32:1–12 — preparing for conflict with a small army. Jacob’s reliance upon God’s covenant promises, and his humble prayer, are models for today’s Christians. We may pray with confidence as did Jacob, for the reality of those promises are even greater for us through Jesus Christ.

Direct download: pc120.mp3
Category:Proclaiming Christ -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We begin a new section entitled, "The Doctrine of the Application of the Work of Redemption." However, before getting to the work of t

Direct download: tsp295.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 4:16pm CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 14. What is sin?
A. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.

Direct download: ra_wsc_014.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. A. Craig Troxel, Robert G. den Dulk Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary California. Dr. Troxel delves into his thought-provoking chapter on the communion of the saints from Theology for Ministry, a festschrift for Dr. Sinclair Ferguson.

What does it mean to build a spiritual community within the church? How can pastors cultivate a culture of love, service, and mutual respect, reflecting the Spirit-endowed riches of Christ’s gifts and graces? Dr. Troxel explores these profound questions, emphasizing the “one another” commands, the forms of mutual service, and the essential role of love in the life of the church.

Dr. Troxel also sheds light on the transformative power of worship and the vital role of the Spirit of God in animating the hearts of God’s people. He concludes with a compelling vision of the communion of the saints as more than just a gathering of individuals—it’s a sacred communion of those set apart for divine privileges and consecrated purposes.

Whether you’re a pastor, theologian, or simply someone seeking to deepen your understanding of community within the Christian faith, this episode offers rich insights and practical wisdom. Join us for a conversation that touches the very heart of what it means to be part of the body of Christ. 

Dr. Troxel is the author of With All Your Heart: Orienting Your Mind, Desires, and Will Toward Christ (Crossway). His research interests include pastoral theology, Reformed spirituality, the doctrine of the church, and biblical teaching on the heart.

Direct download: ctc817.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We conclude our discussion of chapter 17, “The Atonement Through Christ.”

Direct download: tsp294.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 3:33pm CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 13. Did our first parents continue in the estate wherein they were created?
A. Our first parents, being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the estate wherein they were created, by sinning against God.

Direct download: ra_wsc_013.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Danny Olinger and Camden Bucey discuss the sixth chapter of Machen’s classic book, Christianity and Liberalism. In this chapter, J. Gresham Machen explores the differences between the liberal and Christian views of salvation. He argues that liberalism finds salvation in man, while Christianity finds it in an act of God. Machen critiques the moral influence theory of the atonement, which denies the substitutionary character of Christ’s death and the wrath of God. In contrast, he emphasizes the need for a propitiation for sin and the centrality of the cross of Christ in the Christian view of salvation.

Machen concludes that the doctrine of salvation is essential to the Christian faith and that liberalism and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible on this question. The chapter provides a clear and detailed analysis of the theological and biblical foundations of the Christian view of salvation, and highlights the importance of this doctrine for the Christian life.

Direct download: ctc816.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 12. What special act of providence did God exercise toward man in the estate wherein he was created?
A. When God had created man, he entered into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of perfect obedience; forbidding him to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon pain of death.

Direct download: ra_wsc_012.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

We welcome Chris Castaldo to the program to explore the Beatitudes. In his book, The Upside-Down Kingdom, Castaldo offers a fresh perspective on these familiar teachings of Jesus, showing how they reveal God’s heart for the poor, the meek, and the persecuted. He also provides practical guidance for how we can live out these values in our daily lives, both as individuals and as a community of believers. The book is recommended for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the gospel and its implications for our lives today.

Castaldo argues that the Beatitudes challenge our cultural assumptions about power, success, and happiness, and call us to embrace a different way of living that is grounded in humility, compassion, and justice. Castaldo also draws on his own experiences as a pastor and theologian to provide practical guidance for how we can live out these values in our daily lives. Overall, The Upside Down Kingdom offers a fresh perspective on the Beatitudes that is both challenging and inspiring.

Chris Castaldo (PhD, London School of Theology) is the lead pastor at New Covenant Church in Naperville, Illinois. Follow him on Twitter at @chriscastaldo.

Books by Chris Castaldo

Direct download: ctc815.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 11. What are God’s works of providence?
A. God’s works of providence are his most holy, wise and powerful preserving and governing all his creatures, and all their actions.

Direct download: ra_wsc_011.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

We turn to pp. 315–318 of Geerhardus Vos’s book, Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to discuss revelation connected with John the Baptist. Our discussion examines the complexities of John's role in the grand scheme of Biblical theology, unearthing profound insights about revelation and prophecy. We explore John's unique connection with Elijah, and the significance of his testimony to Jesus and baptism.

Join us as we ponder Vos's interpretation of Biblical revelation, shedding light on how it relates to the shadowy figure of John the Baptist. We navigate the delicate interplay between Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfillment, guided by the astute scholarship of Vos.

Direct download: ctc814.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. In chapter 17, “The Atonement Through Christ,” we begin to discuss what the atonement means, the need for the atonement, and how s

Direct download: tsp293.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 2:59pm CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 10. How did God create man?
A. God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness and holiness, with dominion over the creatures.

Direct download: ra_wsc_010.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Explore the profound wisdom of 1 Peter in this episode of the Christ the Center podcast. Camden Bucey is joined by Ryan Noha, Reformed Forum’s Director of Education and Advancement, and Rev. Dr. Kevin Chiarot, pastor of Westminster PCA in Rock Tavern, New York. Together, they discuss the teachings of 1 Peter, unraveling its rich eschatological themes of exile, suffering, our heavenly inheritance, hope, and resurrection. Don’t miss this episode if you’re intrigued by the mysteries of 1 Peter, or if you’re simply looking for an enriching and thought-provoking conversation on Reformed theology.

Direct download: ctc813.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 9. What is the work of creation?
A. The work of creation is God’s making all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six days, and all very good.

Direct download: ra_wsc_009.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Ryan Noha and Camden Bucey discuss two new courses from Reformed Academy as well as the new online community and several upcoming events. Camden, Jim Cassidy, and Lane Tipton will be attending a meetup in Dallas on August 1, 2023 while Camden and Carlton Wynne will be present for a meetup in Atlanta on August 11. Reformed Forum will also be hosting an online symposium on Reformed Moral Theology on August 24, 2023. Information is available at

After discussing all these matters, we include Jim Cassidy's first lecture from a new course on Barth as well as a recording of a live Q&A session with Jim on the lecture.

Direct download: ctc812.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 8. How doth God execute his decrees?
A. God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence.

Direct download: ra_wsc_008.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

In this episode, we speak with Jonathan Landry Cruse, author of The Character of Christ, a thought-provoking book that explores the character of Christ and the fruit of the Spirit. Join us as we consider the profound concepts of love, joy, and peace, and discover how Jesus embodies these virtues and offers them to us. Cruse shares insights into the true source of joy, practical strategies for cultivating the fruit of the Spirit, and a deeper understanding of the transformative power of Christ’s love. Don’t miss this engaging conversation that will inspire and encourage you in your walk with Christ.

Direct download: ctc811.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. In chapter 16, "The Offices of Christ," we delve into the topic of the threefold offices of Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King.

Direct download: tsp292.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 10:51pm CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 7. What are the decrees of God?
A. The decrees of God are his eternal purpose, according to the counsel of his will, whereby, for his own glory, he hath foreordained whatsoever comes to pass.

Direct download: ra_wsc_007.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

We turn to pp. 311–314 of Geerhardus Vos’s book, Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to discuss revelation connected with John the Baptist. In this section, we are reminded of the importance of being methodologically self-conscious in our biblical theology. Vos provides valuable insights into John the Baptist’s mission and his place in the unfolding of God’s plan of salvation.

Through an exposition of Matthew 11:2-15, we explore Jesus’ correction of mistaken views and his explanation of John’s significance as “more than a prophet” as well as Vos’ biblical theology, emphasizing the redemptive event as preceding the interpretive word. Whether you’re a biblical scholar or simply interested in the history of special revelation, this episode is sure to provide you with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of John the Baptist’s role in the unfolding of God’s plan of salvation.

Direct download: ctc810.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 6. How many persons are there in the godhead?
A. There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

Direct download: ra_wsc_006.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Sean Morris joins us to speak about the pastoral theology of John Knox. Known as the thunderous voice of the Scottish Reformation, Knox is a towering figure whose impact still reverberates within the walls of churches around the globe. This episode focuses on Knox's profound commitment to conforming worship to Scripture, a principle that shaped not only the religious landscape of his own time but also the worship practices of numerous Protestant traditions today.

Mr. Morris is Associate Minister of Covenant PCA in Oak Ridge, TN and Academic Dean of BRITE (Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education) in Roanoke, VA.

Direct download: ctc809.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 5. Are there more Gods than one?
A. There is but one only, the living and true God.

Direct download: ra_wsc_005.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Dr. Jonathan Master speaks about his book, Reformed Theology (P&R Publishing), which is part of the Blessings of the Faith series edited by Jason Helopoulos. Master provides a concise and accessible introduction to the historic and orthodox Christian tradition of Reformed theology. In this book, he emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, and the grace of salvation, while also demonstrating its biblical coherence and pastoral warmth. This resource is ideal for church leaders, study groups, and individuals who want a well-rounded overview of Reformed theology.

Jonathan Master is President of Greenville Theological Presbyterian Seminary near Greenville, South Carolina.

Direct download: ctc808.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. Chapter 15, “The States of Christ," is where Berkhof considers Christ in his state of humiliation and exaltation. In this

Direct download: tsp291.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 7:53am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Q. 4. What is God?
A. God is a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.

Direct download: ra_wsc_004.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 9:14am CST

Brian DeJong speaks about his biography of Arthur Franklin Perkins, a Presbyterian minister serving in Merrill, Wisconsin in the 1920’s and 1930’s. For his bold stand for truth, and against error and unbelief, Perkins was persecuted and prosecuted by his own Presbytery. Leaving the PCUSA in 1936, he became a constituting member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the convener and first moderator of the its Presbytery of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. After suffering a nervous breakdown, he died on December 29, 1936. This is his tragic and triumphant story about standing against tyranny in his day and age.


Direct download: ctc807.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

On the 100th anniversary of the publication of Christianity and Liberalism, we consider J. Gresham Machen's critique of the liberal theological perspective on Jesus Christ, contrasting it with the traditional, orthodox Christian view. Machen argues that liberal theology often misrepresents Christ as a mere teacher of righteousness and neglects his divine aspects and teachings. He counters that Christ is not merely an example, but the very object of Christian faith. He also challenges liberal theologians' struggle to reconcile Jesus's sinlessness with their evolutionary worldview and argues against a deistic view of God, advocating instead for theism which allows for both God's works of creation and providence. Machen discusses the issue of miracles in relation to Christian faith, asserting that one cannot selectively believe in parts of Christ's life, such as dismissing the virgin birth. Ultimately, Machen invites the reader to accept Christ as portrayed in Scripture.

Direct download: ctc806.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Join use as we explore the increasingly overlapping spheres of artificial intelligence (AI) and pastoral ministry. Our discussion uncovers both the promising opportunities and the intricate challenges presented by this cross-disciplinary synthesis, offering listeners a space for thoughtful reflection and critical analysis.

We begin by considering the ways in which AI could influence scholarly and pastoral work, discussing its potential to revolutionize sermon preparation, theological interpretation, and pastoral responsibilities. From enhancing exegesis through computational analysis to automated pastoral care systems, the conversation paints a detailed picture of a possible future in which technology and theology are closely entwined.

However, the integration of AI into such deeply human and nuanced fields raises a multitude of ethical and philosophical concerns. Can an artificial system genuinely contribute to a process so rooted in personal insight and spirituality? Would reliance on AI for intellectual tasks promote laziness or engender a culture of plagiarism within the realm of theological scholarship? Furthermore, we ponder upon the risk of losing the essence of pastoral care—the human touch—in the wake of automated systems.

We invite you to join a thoughtful, in-depth exploration of the role AI could play in scholarship and pastoral ministry. For those curious about the intersection of technology, faith, and ethics, this discussion offers a chance to engage with a deeply fascinating and increasingly relevant topic.

Direct download: ctc805.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Direct download: ra_wsc_002-003.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Carlton Wynne, Lane Tipton, and Camden Bucey turn to pp. 63–67 of Cornelius Van Til’s The Defense of the Faith to discuss the Christian theory of knowledge. In this section, Van Til speaks of the effects of sin and its curse upon human knowledge.

Direct download: ctc804.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Direct download: pc119.mp3
Category:Proclaiming Christ -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. Chapter 15 is, “The States of Christ” where Berkhof considers Christ in his state of humiliation and exaltation. This ep

Direct download: tsp290.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 11:40am CST

This is an audio podcast of “Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism,” taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of _God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ_ (Lexham Press).

If you’re excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit]( to provide your support.

Direct download: ra_wsc_001.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Brad Isbell joins Jim Cassidy, Ryan Noha, and Camden Bucey to preview the PCA General Assembly and its 50th Anniversary Celebration. After speaking about ecumenical relations and several overtures, the group gets into a “riveting” discussing regarding a semicolon in Westminster Confession of Faith 31.4.

Mr. Isbell is a ruling elder at Covenant PCA in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Along with @Wresbyterian, he hosts Presbycast.

Direct download: ctc803.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week Rob and Bob take a moment to discuss some basic issues and concerns of the doctrine of assurance of faith.
Direct download: tsp289.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 6:44am CST

This is an audio podcast of "Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism," taught by Dr. James J. Cassidy. Videos of each lesson including Spanish and Chinese subtitles are available for free online at

Dr. Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).

If you're excited about this theology and want to enable people around the world to watch and listen to these free resources, please visit to provide your support.

Direct download: ra_wsc_000_intro.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Adam York speaks about discipleship in the book of Acts. As the church "beholds" the resurrected–ascended Christ by the proclamation of the apostolic word, it is empowered to bear witness to Christ even unto death, placing the world on trial while the church itself is tried by this world.
Direct download: ctc802.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Camden Bucey and Ryan Noha discuss the work of Reformed Forum and the generous supporters that have partnered in our mission to present every person mature in Christ (Col. 1:28).

This month, we have prayerfully set a stretch goal to add 25 new monthly donors toward a combined $1,000 of additional monthly support for our mission. With your help, we're already on the precipice of achieving this goal.

Listen as Camden and Ryan explain how you can help and as they explain our organizational history, business plan, financial health, and needs.

Reformed Forum relies on the generous support of our community to endeavor after our mission. Your donations help us to keep our content available around the world for all who are interested in learning more about Reformed theology.

Donate now at

Direct download: 2023-05-09_development_report.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 12:39pm CST

Carlton Wynne, Lane Tipton, and Camden Bucey turn to pp. 58–63 of Cornelius Van Til’s The Defense of the Faith to discuss the Christian theory of knowledge. In this section, Van Til speaks of man's knowledge of the world.

Direct download: ctc801.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. Chapter 14 brings us to a new section called, "The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ." Berkhof first deals with a di

Direct download: tsp288.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 8:50pm CST

Mark Winder, Jim Cassidy, and Camden Bucey discuss the relationship between hermeneutics and homiletics, focusing specifically on the preaching of Geerhardus Vos.

Direct download: ctc800.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. Chapter 13 brings us to a discussion of the second part of “Man in in the Covenant of Grace, ” moves us beyond the Covenant of Red

Direct download: tsp287.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 5:48pm CST

This is the 100th anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s book, Christianity and Liberalism. Danny Olinger and Camden Bucey speak with Alan Strange about the fourth chapter of Machen’s classic, which addresses the Bible.

In this chapter, Machen addresses those who would seek to maintain that what we hold in our hearts about Christ can remain true no matter what the facts of history actually show. These people subjectivize Christianity—making it a function of personal experience. Machen, however, emphasizes the importance of the historical fact of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection and the Bible’s inspired, inerrant, and infallible testimony to this work.

In the course of conversation, the panelists discuss several liberal theologians and the events in American Presbyterianism that led up to 1923, when Christianity and Liberalism was published. These include Friedrich Schleiermacher, Albrecht Ritschl, Wilhelm Herrmann, and the case of Charles Augustus Briggs.

Dr. Alan Strange is Professor of Church History and Theological Librarian at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana and an associate pastor at First Church (OPC) in South Holland, Illinois.


Direct download: ctc799.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Join us on this episode of the podcast as we speak with Jim Zozzaro and Chris Byrd about the evangelism efforts of the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, New Jersey. Established in the 1940s, the Boardwalk Chapel was founded with a vision to present the Gospel to the thousands of tourists that visit the Atlantic Ocean coastal resort town during the summer season.

The Boardwalk Chapel provides an excellent opportunity for evangelism training for those who seek to share the Gospel with others. During the summer months, the Boardwalk Chapel offers evangelism training to college-aged young people and paid summer interns. The training provides practical tools and strategies for sharing the Gospel with others effectively.

There are numerous opportunities to serve, attend, and be involved at the Boardwalk Chapel. From attending weekly services to participating in evangelism efforts, there is something for everyone to be involved in. The Boardwalk Chapel is a welcoming and supportive community that is committed to sharing the Gospel with others.

Pray for the leaders, staff, and evangelism efforts of the Boardwalk Chapel. The Boardwalk Chapel has several needs, including more staff for the summer and more people coming to the training weeks, specifically for the School of Evangelism.

Rev. James Zozzaro is pastor of Christ the King OPC in Cape May, NJ and director of the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ. Rev. Christopher Byrd is evangelist of Grace OPC in Westfield, NJ.

Direct download: ctc798.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob bring to an end their discussion of a recent address by John MacArthur delivered at the 2023 Shepherd’s Conference. In his address, “Hope for the Remnant,” based on Zechariah 14, MacArthur says that

Direct download: tsp286.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 5:12pm CST

This episode is a lesson from Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path, a course taught by Daniel Ragusa.

Daniel Ragusa is the pastor of Messiah's Reformed Fellowship (URCNA) in New York City. He received his M.Div. from Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Westminster Theological Seminary.

In this course, Rev. Ragusa explores 2 Peter with special attention to Peter’s use of redemptive history in his depiction and defense of the Christian life as oriented toward Christ and the future. By the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we have embarked on an eschatological pilgrimage down a path out of this world (1:4) and into his eternal kingdom (1:11).

But along the path are cunning enemies, scoffers and mockers, who would cause us to turn back in unbelief, misattributing eternity to the present world order rather than to the kingdom (3:4).

Alert to this danger, Peter mounts a defense that will endure these “last days” (3:3) in which we find ourselves by reminding the church of Christ’s promise to come again in power with new heavens and a new earth—a promise given long ago through the prophet Isaiah (1:4; 3:13) but now more fully confirmed by the corroborating witness of the apostles (1:19; 3:1–2).

Peter exhorts the church not to overlook the Holy Spirit-inspired history of special revelation as it foreshadows this coming reality (1:21), including Noah and the flood (2:5), Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6–8), the restraint of Balaam (2:15–16), the approaching Day of the Lord (3:11), and even the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain as a witness to his royal sonship (1:17–18).

This course will demonstrate what Geerhardus Vos meant when he said, “The Bible is not a dogmatic handbook but a historical book full of dramatic interest.” It will also explain the typological use of the Old Testament. Finally, it will shape and transform us as our minds are set on the eternal kingdom—where Jesus is and so our hearts too.

Video lessons and supporting course materials are available at

Direct download: ra032.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 1:00am CST

Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey discuss ecclesiology and R. B. Kuiper’s classic book, The Glorious Body of Christ. They focus primarily on ecumenism and how different church bodies relate to one another. But the two also discuss the nature of church power and authority and the challenges involved in administering church discipline across denominational lines.

Direct download: ctc797.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This episode is a lesson from Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path, a course taught by Daniel Ragusa.

Daniel Ragusa is the pastor of Messiah's Reformed Fellowship (URCNA) in New York City. He received his M.Div. from Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Westminster Theological Seminary.

In this course, Rev. Ragusa explores 2 Peter with special attention to Peter’s use of redemptive history in his depiction and defense of the Christian life as oriented toward Christ and the future. By the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we have embarked on an eschatological pilgrimage down a path out of this world (1:4) and into his eternal kingdom (1:11).

But along the path are cunning enemies, scoffers and mockers, who would cause us to turn back in unbelief, misattributing eternity to the present world order rather than to the kingdom (3:4).

Alert to this danger, Peter mounts a defense that will endure these “last days” (3:3) in which we find ourselves by reminding the church of Christ’s promise to come again in power with new heavens and a new earth—a promise given long ago through the prophet Isaiah (1:4; 3:13) but now more fully confirmed by the corroborating witness of the apostles (1:19; 3:1–2).

Peter exhorts the church not to overlook the Holy Spirit-inspired history of special revelation as it foreshadows this coming reality (1:21), including Noah and the flood (2:5), Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6–8), the restraint of Balaam (2:15–16), the approaching Day of the Lord (3:11), and even the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain as a witness to his royal sonship (1:17–18).

This course will demonstrate what Geerhardus Vos meant when he said, “The Bible is not a dogmatic handbook but a historical book full of dramatic interest.” It will also explain the typological use of the Old Testament. Finally, it will shape and transform us as our minds are set on the eternal kingdom—where Jesus is and so our hearts too.

Video lessons and supporting course materials are available at

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Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 1:00am CST

We turn to pp. 309–310 of Geerhardus Vos’s book, Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to discuss aspects of the nativity. The convergence of the coming of Jehovah and the coming of the Messiah is found in Jesus Christ and revealed particularly at the time of the nativity. Two Old Testament roots support this convergence: the circle of Mary and Joseph, who stand in the line of David, and the circle of Zacharias and Elizabeth, where the idea of Jehovah’s coming prevails.

Additionally, Vos notes that the name “Jesus” means “Jehovah is Salvation,” signifying Jesus’ divine identity as the one who delivers his people from the guilt and power of sin. Finally, Vos emphasizes that the inclusion of the Gentiles into God’s covenant people is another important aspect of Jesus’ redemptive work revealed with the incarnation.

Direct download: ctc796.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Psalm 2 speaks of rebellious kings conspiring together against the Lord and his anointed. But the outcome of such conspiracies is clear. The Son will have the earth as his possession. 

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Category:Proclaiming Christ -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob continue their discussion of a recent address by John MacArthur delivered at the 2023 Shepherd’s Conference. In his address, “Hope for the Remnant,” based on Zechariah 14, MacArthur says that this p

Direct download: tsp285.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 3:57pm CST

This episode is a lesson from Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path, a course taught by Daniel Ragusa.

Daniel Ragusa is the pastor of Messiah's Reformed Fellowship (URCNA) in New York City. He received his M.Div. from Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Westminster Theological Seminary.

In this course, Rev. Ragusa explores 2 Peter with special attention to Peter’s use of redemptive history in his depiction and defense of the Christian life as oriented toward Christ and the future. By the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we have embarked on an eschatological pilgrimage down a path out of this world (1:4) and into his eternal kingdom (1:11).

But along the path are cunning enemies, scoffers and mockers, who would cause us to turn back in unbelief, misattributing eternity to the present world order rather than to the kingdom (3:4).

Alert to this danger, Peter mounts a defense that will endure these “last days” (3:3) in which we find ourselves by reminding the church of Christ’s promise to come again in power with new heavens and a new earth—a promise given long ago through the prophet Isaiah (1:4; 3:13) but now more fully confirmed by the corroborating witness of the apostles (1:19; 3:1–2).

Peter exhorts the church not to overlook the Holy Spirit-inspired history of special revelation as it foreshadows this coming reality (1:21), including Noah and the flood (2:5), Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6–8), the restraint of Balaam (2:15–16), the approaching Day of the Lord (3:11), and even the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain as a witness to his royal sonship (1:17–18).

This course will demonstrate what Geerhardus Vos meant when he said, “The Bible is not a dogmatic handbook but a historical book full of dramatic interest.” It will also explain the typological use of the Old Testament. Finally, it will shape and transform us as our minds are set on the eternal kingdom—where Jesus is and so our hearts too.

Video lessons and supporting course materials are available at

Direct download: ra030.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 1:00am CST

Dr. Gregory K. Beale returns to the program to speak about a wide array of topics touching upon the study of the Bible. After speaking about an exciting upcoming conference and workshop in Plano, Texas, Dr. Beale discusses developments in Old and New Testament studies over the last several decades, the nature of intertextuality and biblical theology, future areas ripe for new research, and research methods and tools.

Dr. Beale is Professor of New Testament at RTS Dallas. He has had a long and distinguished academic career, teaching at Grove City College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wheaton Graduate School, and Westminster Theological Seminary.


Direct download: ctc795.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss a recent address by John MacArthur delivered at the 2023 Shepherd's Conference. In his address, "Hope for the Remnant," based on Zechariah 14, MacArthur says that this passage is the "amillenialis

Direct download: tsp284.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 1:28pm CST

This episode is a lesson from Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path, a course taught by Daniel Ragusa.

Daniel Ragusa is the pastor of Messiah's Reformed Fellowship (URCNA) in New York City. He received his M.Div. from Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Westminster Theological Seminary.

In this course, Rev. Ragusa explores 2 Peter with special attention to Peter’s use of redemptive history in his depiction and defense of the Christian life as oriented toward Christ and the future. By the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we have embarked on an eschatological pilgrimage down a path out of this world (1:4) and into his eternal kingdom (1:11).

But along the path are cunning enemies, scoffers and mockers, who would cause us to turn back in unbelief, misattributing eternity to the present world order rather than to the kingdom (3:4).

Alert to this danger, Peter mounts a defense that will endure these “last days” (3:3) in which we find ourselves by reminding the church of Christ’s promise to come again in power with new heavens and a new earth—a promise given long ago through the prophet Isaiah (1:4; 3:13) but now more fully confirmed by the corroborating witness of the apostles (1:19; 3:1–2).

Peter exhorts the church not to overlook the Holy Spirit-inspired history of special revelation as it foreshadows this coming reality (1:21), including Noah and the flood (2:5), Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6–8), the restraint of Balaam (2:15–16), the approaching Day of the Lord (3:11), and even the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain as a witness to his royal sonship (1:17–18).

This course will demonstrate what Geerhardus Vos meant when he said, “The Bible is not a dogmatic handbook but a historical book full of dramatic interest.” It will also explain the typological use of the Old Testament. Finally, it will shape and transform us as our minds are set on the eternal kingdom—where Jesus is and so our hearts too.

Video lessons and supporting course materials are available at

Direct download: ra029.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 1:00am CST

As a follow-up to his Reformed Academy course, Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path, Dan Ragusa joins Camden Bucey and Ryan Noha to discuss preterist views of 2 Peter 3 concerning the promise of new heavens and a new earth. After establishing the future orientation of the epistle, Dan provides a sketch of the history of preterist interpretations beginning with John Owen’s “Oriental” reading, noting the influence of Joseph Mede in the context of seventeenth-century Puritanism. He then turns his attention to modern-day exegesis of this chapter from leading partial preterists, exemplified by Peter Leithart’s commentary, The Promise of His Appearing: An Exposition of 2 Peter. Dan responds to Leithart’s “knock down arguments” by applying the eschatological pressure of the letter as a whole, all while directing listeners to the consummate, cosmic hope of the eternal kingdom that cannot be reduced to passing of the old covenant order in 70AD.


Direct download: ctc794.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. Chapter 13 brings us to a discussion of "Man in in the Covenant of Grace." We'll take this chapter in two parts: the Covenant of Redem

Direct download: tsp283.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 11:04am CST

This episode is a lesson from Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path, a course taught by Daniel Ragusa.

Daniel Ragusa is the pastor of Messiah's Reformed Fellowship (URCNA) in New York City. He received his M.Div. from Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Westminster Theological Seminary.

In this course, Rev. Ragusa explores 2 Peter with special attention to Peter’s use of redemptive history in his depiction and defense of the Christian life as oriented toward Christ and the future. By the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we have embarked on an eschatological pilgrimage down a path out of this world (1:4) and into his eternal kingdom (1:11).

But along the path are cunning enemies, scoffers and mockers, who would cause us to turn back in unbelief, misattributing eternity to the present world order rather than to the kingdom (3:4).

Alert to this danger, Peter mounts a defense that will endure these “last days” (3:3) in which we find ourselves by reminding the church of Christ’s promise to come again in power with new heavens and a new earth—a promise given long ago through the prophet Isaiah (1:4; 3:13) but now more fully confirmed by the corroborating witness of the apostles (1:19; 3:1–2).

Peter exhorts the church not to overlook the Holy Spirit-inspired history of special revelation as it foreshadows this coming reality (1:21), including Noah and the flood (2:5), Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6–8), the restraint of Balaam (2:15–16), the approaching Day of the Lord (3:11), and even the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain as a witness to his royal sonship (1:17–18).

This course will demonstrate what Geerhardus Vos meant when he said, “The Bible is not a dogmatic handbook but a historical book full of dramatic interest.” It will also explain the typological use of the Old Testament. Finally, it will shape and transform us as our minds are set on the eternal kingdom—where Jesus is and so our hearts too.

Video lessons and supporting course materials are available at

Direct download: ra028.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 1:00am CST

This is the 100th anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s book, Christianity and Liberalism. Danny Olinger and Camden Bucey speak with Lane Tipton about the third chapter of Machen’s classic, which addresses the relationship between God and man.

In this chapter Machen responds to the theological views of Schleiermacher and Von Harnack, and how he invokes the category of “revealed rational theism” to unite a doctrine of God and man based on general and special revelation as the great “presupposition” of historic Christian orthodoxy. Machen argues that the doctrine of God and man revealed in Scripture is the basis for the gospel and forms the presuppositional substructure of Christianity, which modern liberalism is diametrically opposed to. He affirms a natural knowledge of God in conscience and history, but centers special revelation for doctrines of God and man. Jesus’ use of the words of prophets and psalmists reveals the character of God and gives significance to the Old Testament heritage and Jesus’ own teaching. Machen envisions this revealed theology as the “root of Christianity,” not a natural religion, and one that rests on the teaching of the Old Testament as interpreted by Jesus Christ and his apostles.


Direct download: ctc793.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This episode is a lesson from Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path, a course taught by Daniel Ragusa.

Daniel Ragusa is the pastor of Messiah's Reformed Fellowship (URCNA) in New York City. He received his M.Div. from Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Westminster Theological Seminary.

In this course, Rev. Ragusa explores 2 Peter with special attention to Peter’s use of redemptive history in his depiction and defense of the Christian life as oriented toward Christ and the future. By the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we have embarked on an eschatological pilgrimage down a path out of this world (1:4) and into his eternal kingdom (1:11).

But along the path are cunning enemies, scoffers and mockers, who would cause us to turn back in unbelief, misattributing eternity to the present world order rather than to the kingdom (3:4).

Alert to this danger, Peter mounts a defense that will endure these “last days” (3:3) in which we find ourselves by reminding the church of Christ’s promise to come again in power with new heavens and a new earth—a promise given long ago through the prophet Isaiah (1:4; 3:13) but now more fully confirmed by the corroborating witness of the apostles (1:19; 3:1–2).

Peter exhorts the church not to overlook the Holy Spirit-inspired history of special revelation as it foreshadows this coming reality (1:21), including Noah and the flood (2:5), Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6–8), the restraint of Balaam (2:15–16), the approaching Day of the Lord (3:11), and even the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain as a witness to his royal sonship (1:17–18).

This course will demonstrate what Geerhardus Vos meant when he said, “The Bible is not a dogmatic handbook but a historical book full of dramatic interest.” It will also explain the typological use of the Old Testament. Finally, it will shape and transform us as our minds are set on the eternal kingdom—where Jesus is and so our hearts too.

Video lessons and supporting course materials are available at

Direct download: ra027.mp3
Category:Reformed Academy -- posted at: 12:00am CST

This is the 100th anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s book, Christianity and Liberalism. Danny Olinger and Camden Bucey welcome D. G. Hart to discuss the second chapter of Machen’s classic, which addresses doctrine. The heart of the matter is that Christianity is a supernatural religion built on the fact that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, accomplished redemption for his people in history. Machen understood that both are essential: the supernatural and the fact that it occurs in history. Machen wrote:

But if any one fact is clear, on the basis of this evidence, it is that the Christian movement at its inception was not just a way of life in the modern sense, but a way of life founded upon a message. It was based, not upon mere feeling, not upon a mere program of work, but upon an account of facts. In other words it was based upon doctrine (Machen, Christianity and Liberalism, 20).

And from the beginning, the meaning of the happening was set forth; and when the meaning of the happening was set forth then there was Christian doctrine. “Christ died”—that is history; “Christ died for our sins”—that is doctrine. Without these two elements, joined in an absolutely indissoluble union, there is no Christianity (Machen, Christianity and Liberalism, 27).


Participants: , , 

Direct download: ctc792.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 12:00am CST

In Eph 1:11-14 the Apostle Paul describes the glorious heavenly inheritance of the Christian.  He seeks to encourage the Ephesian Christians — many of whom had given up earthly glory — by reminding them of an even greater glory in Christ.  May Paul's words be a wonderful encouragement to the church today!

Direct download: pc117.mp3
Category:Proclaiming Christ -- posted at: 12:00am CST