Fri, 1 March 2024
Reformed Forum hosted an online symposium on February 29, 2024, featuring a series of thought-provoking sessions designed to explore the intersections of theology, history, and the contemporary challenges facing the church. This panel discussion featured Alan Strange’s insightful book, Empowered Witness (Crossway). The session examined Strange's exploration of the spirituality of the church doctrine, a pivotal biblical concept developed in the nineteenth century, and its relevance in today's politically charged environment. Emphasizing the necessity for the church to prioritize its spiritual mission over earthly political and social agendas, Strange's work is a clarion call to refocus on the Great Commission. C. N. Willborn, D. G. Hart, and Timon Cline offered their perspectives on the book. Then, Dr. Strange responded and engage with their insights. This panel was an engaging analysis of the historical and contemporary roles of the church, appealing to both thoughtful laypeople and church leaders. Watch the video:
Direct download: 2024-02-29_symposium_03_strange.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 11:14am CST |