Reformed Forum

On this episode we welcome Gerald Hiestand to speak about the pastor theologian. Along with Todd Wilson, Hiestand has co-authored The Pastor Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision (Zondervan). Gerald serves as Senior Associate Pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, Illinois and Executive Director for the Center for Pastor Theologians. Hiestand and Wilson offer a new taxonomy of pastor theologians, identifying three types: local theologian, popular theologian, and ecclesial theologian. The latter is the authors' core contribution and concern in this book as they seek to detail a type of theologian and theology that occurs in the immediate context of the Church and for the sake of the Church.

Direct download: ctc396.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 8:00pm CST

In this episode we discuss Genesis 6:9-13. We consider how to select a sermon pericope using this passage as an example. We also consider what it means for Noah to be considered righteous and blameless in his generation - a generation of violence. Likewise, we discuss what it meant for Noah to walk with God and that God brought Noah into his council.

Direct download: pc025.mp3
Category:Proclaiming Christ -- posted at: 12:40pm CST

Brian De Jong takes us to Jesus Christ as not merely the Lord but also the preeminent practitioner of apologetics. Listen to this important conversation on an underdeveloped topic.

Direct download: ctc395.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 8:00pm CST

Marcus Peter Johnson joins us once again to talk about Christology and soteriology. With his colleague Dr. John C. Clark, Dr. Johnson has co-authored The Incarnation of God: The Mystery of the Gospel as the Foundation of Evangelical Theology (Crossway). Johnson and Clark examine the doctrine of the incarnation and its implications fro the church's knowledge and worship of God, understanding of salvation, and approach to the Christian life. Be sure also to listen to our previous conversations with Dr. Johnson regarding his book One with Christ: An Evangelical Theology of Salvation (Crossway).

Direct download: ctc394.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 8:00pm CST

Join us for a wonderful conversation with Tony Reinke regarding his new book John Newton on the Christian Life (Crossway).

Direct download: ctc393.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 9:00pm CST

We open pages 90–93 of Vos's book Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to learn about the patriarch Isaac.

Direct download: ctc392.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 8:00pm CST