Reformed Forum

Dr. Carlton Wynne considered Matthew 28:19b, “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”at the Reformed Forum Annual Theology Conference held on September 28, 2024 at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.

Dr. Wynne shares the rich theological significance of baptism, tracing its roots through the Old Testament and highlighting its vital role in the church’s mission today. Drawing on vivid biblical imagery and covenantal theology, Dr. Wynne explores how baptism functions as a visible sign of God’s covenant faithfulness, pointing to both the blessings of salvation and the solemn warnings of judgment.

Dr. Wynne begins by tracing baptism’s deep well from the creation waters in Genesis to the flood of Noah, Israel’s Red Sea crossing, and the ordination of the priesthood, showing how these Old Testament events foreshadow the New Covenant sacrament. Baptism, as part of Christ’s Great Commission, not only initiates believers into the covenant community but also proclaims the gospel, confirms God’s promises, and sanctifies the church.

Furthermore, Dr. Wynne emphasizes the multifaceted work of baptism: it signifies salvation, summons sinners to Christ, seals God’s covenant promises, sanctifies believers, and strengthens the bonds within the church. He illustrates how baptism serves as both a divine declaration and a summons to faith, culminating in the affirmation of God’s grace and the call to live as disciples of Christ.

By exploring these “lively works” of baptism, this presentation calls the church to cherish and uphold the sacrament as a means of grace, nourishing faith and encouraging spiritual growth. This is a theologically rich reflection on how the waters of baptism flow continuously through the life of the church, rooted in God’s redemptive plan and vital for the spiritual vitality of God’s people.

Direct download: rf24_3_wynne.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

Dr. Camden Bucey considers Matthew 28:19a, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,” at the Reformed Forum Annual Theology Conference held on September 28, 2024 at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.

Dr. Bucey exegetes the core command of the Great Commission, revealing key insights often overlooked in English translations. By focusing on the singular imperative—"Make disciples"—the address clarifies the church’s shared responsibility, guided by the authority of Christ, to bring the gospel to all nations. The theological depth extends to how the covenantal promises given to Abraham are fulfilled through Jesus Christ and now continue through the church’s mission to make disciples of all nations.

This address also emphasizes the holistic nature of disciple-making: it is not limited to evangelism but includes baptism, teaching, and nurturing believers into spiritual maturity. Dr. Bucey passionately explains how the church must rely on the power of Christ to carry out this mission, faithfully using the ordinary means of grace—word, sacraments, and prayer—to achieve extraordinary ends for the kingdom of God.

Whether you’re a pastor, missionary, or layperson, this presentation calls you to reflect deeply on your unique role in fulfilling the Great Commission and the broader redemptive narrative of Scripture. Join us as we engage in the task Christ entrusted to his church, confident in his empowering presence and his promise to be with us until the end of the age.

Direct download: rf24_2_bucey.mp3
Category:Special Edition -- posted at: 12:00am CST