Reformed Forum

Since Christ the Center began nearly thirteen years ago, we have taken time to look back on the highlights of the year. Continuing the update to our tradition from last year, here this year’s top ten clips from Christ the Center as determined by YouTube views.

  1. Ep. 633 – What Is Christendom? with David VanDrunen
  2. Ep. 655 – 1689 Federalism and Reformed Covenant Theology with Jeremy Boothby
  3. Ep. 638 – John Frame and Two Divine Existences with James Dolezal
  4. Ep. 659 – Why Study Karl Barth? with Jim Cassidy
  5. Ep. 633 – The Noahic Covenant with David VanDrunen
  6. Ep. 630 – The Importance of Discourse Analysis with Matthew Patton
  7. Ep. 641 – The Ancient Understanding of Baptism as Washing and Regeneration with Glen Clary
  8. Ep. 629 – Abridged Bavinck with Carlton Wynne and Charles Williams
  9. Ep. 666 – John Nelson Darby and Dispensationalism with Michael Glodo
  10. Ep. 631 – What Is Public Theology? with Jordan Ballor
Direct download: ctc679.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 11:00pm CST