Reformed Forum

With Rob on assignment at the T4G conference, this week's episode of Theology Simply Profound provides a reading of J. Gresham Machen's essay, "The Responsibility of the Church in Our New Age." This remarkably relevant work originally appeared in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science in 1933.

Direct download: tsp111.mp3
Category:Theology Simply Profound -- posted at: 5:55pm CST

Alan Strange speaks about the doctrine of the spirituality of the church in the ecclesiology of Charles Hodge and how it was formed in the years leading up to and during the American Civil War. Dr. Strange's dissertation on the topic has been published in P&R Publishing's Reformed Academic Dissertations series as The Doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church in the Ecclesiology of Charles Hodge. Dr. Strange previously addressed the topic in episode 443 of Christ the Center, but in this episode, we focus more on the Presbyterian General Assemblies and how they wrestled with the theological and political issues surrounding the war.

Direct download: ctc538.mp3
Category:Christ the Center -- posted at: 5:54pm CST